
Children Missions

Mission Friends

Wednesday 6:00 pm

Light meal served at 5:30 pm

(Fellowship Hall)

Mission Friends is designed for preschoolers from birth through kindergarten. Preschoolers learn that Jesus loves them, Jesus loves others, and Jesus wants us to share his love. Mission Friends learn these simple yet profound concepts through engaging activities, games, and stories. They will learn about missionaries around the world and ways they can pray for them and tell their own friends and family how much Jesus loves us.

Women on Mission

The women at Temple Baptist lead out in promoting and supporting the Southern Baptist Convention’s mission offerings

through our WMU and Baptist Women’s groups.

All women are welcome to visit either of these groups, or both!


3rd Thursday of every month

6:00 p.m.

WMU begin their meeting with a potluck meal. They lead in organizing our OCC donations and plan for shoebox packing, as well as numerous mission projects throughout the year. The WMU has made countless blankets for a variety of charitable groups for both kids and adults. They collect non perishable foods for the boxes of blessings in our city and for families in need. When new homes were recently built near the church the WMU made gift baskets with kitchen items and snacks to deliver to each family when they moved in.

The church participates in numerous projects thoughout the year led by the WMU. These include an annual Easter Egg Hunt, the Back to School Bash and a Fall Festival. These ladies prepare a breakfast for all the men on Father’s Day, and every December plan “Lunch for Lottie” to encourage giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.

Baptist Women

2nd Tuesday of every month

11:00 a.m.

The Baptist Women begin their meetings with coffee and a sweet treat! The meetings consist of a mission program from the Mission Mosaic magazine followed by prayer for the missionaries, especially those having birthdays on that day. Some highlights from last year included having Robin Pinkston, a missionary to Malta, as their guest speaker. She and her family have served in Malta for over 20 years and the ladies learned about the many ministries they are involved in there. Sheila Hourigan, a Mission Service Corp missionary for the state of Kentucky spoke of her work at the House of Hope and the many services they provide to families in Washington County and surrounding areas.

The Baptist Women participate in the Kentucky Baptist Convention's Christmas backpacks for Eastern Kentucky project. This includes providing new backpacks and suggested items including a nice toy, hygiene products, food and clothing. The story of Christmas is always included. Temple church donates generously to this cause. The Baptist Women do a monthly missions project. Some of these projects included meals to shut-ins, assisting the House of Hope with their yearly fund raiser and adding to blessing boxes around town. To learn more about the Christmas backpacks go to kybaptist.org/backpacks.

Visit kywmu.org to follow WMU

events in the state of Kentucky

Church Missions

Feeding Our Community

Twice each year Temple has been blessed to feed people a meal during the Easter and Christmas seasons. Teaming up with Backyard Ministries, meals are provided on Main Street across from Carey & Son Funeral Home. This year the meals will be available for pickup on December 14th from 12-2.

Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Temple gets together once a year to pack boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Once the boxes are filled, we send them to the processing center where they are carefully inspected before international shipment. Our boxes are shipped all over world.

"Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14

The mission of OCC is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. We team up with Samaritan's Purse to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.

Christmas Backpacks

35% of Kentucky’s children live in single-parent homes. For many of them a backpack from Kentucky Baptists may be all they get for Christmas, yes, right here in our home state. Non perishable food items are included as well. Sometimes the children are just as excited about the food as they are the “wow” toy.

The Temple Baptist Church congregation provides specific items for the backpacks throughout the year. In November the Baptist Women fill the backpacks with the brand new donated items. The backpacks are for girls and boys ages 2-17. Learn more at www.kybaptist.org/backpacks.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20


ADDRESS: 312 Maplewood Avenue Springfield, KY 40069

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 23 Springfield, KY 40069

PHONE: (859) 336-9202


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